Today's YouTube -- Mike Oldfield
そうだよ、マイク・オールドフィールドがいたじゃねえか! じぇんじぇんYouTubeで調べてなかったよ。
マイク・オールドフィールドというとやっぱエクソシストのチューブラベルズが出てくるんだけど、そして、それはそれでとてもいいのだけど、80年代に入ってからのプログレの軒並みポップ化の波に乗ったマイク・オールドフィールドも割りといいなあと思うのでした。特に、マギー・ライリーという女の人のうつくしい声! 染み入る~。
ひらがながおおくて読みづらい? ああそうかも。
このMoonlight shadowは割りとヒットしたはず。
Mike Oldfield -- Moonlight Shadow
好きだったのは、To Franceという曲でした。
Mike Oldfield - To France
Talking on water
Sailing a restless sea
]from a memory
A fantasy
The wind carries
Into white water
Fare from the islands
Dont you know youre
Never going to get to france
Mary queen of chance will they find you
Never going to get to france
Could a new romance ever bind you
Walking on foreign ground
Like a shadow
Roaming in far off
Over your shoulder
Stories unfold youre
Searching for sanctuary
You know youre
Never going to get to france
Mary queen of chance will they find you
Never going to get to france
Could a new romance ever bind you
I see a picture
By the lamps flicker
Isnt it strange
How dreams fade and shimmer
Never going to get to france
Mary queen of chance will they find you
Never going to get to france
Could a new romance ever bind you
I see a picture
By the lamps flicker
Isnt it strange
How dreams fade and shimmer
Never going to get to france
Mary queen of chance will they find you
Never going to get to france
Could a new romance ever bind you
Never going to get to france
マイク・オールドフィールドというとやっぱエクソシストのチューブラベルズが出てくるんだけど、そして、それはそれでとてもいいのだけど、80年代に入ってからのプログレの軒並みポップ化の波に乗ったマイク・オールドフィールドも割りといいなあと思うのでした。特に、マギー・ライリーという女の人のうつくしい声! 染み入る~。
ひらがながおおくて読みづらい? ああそうかも。
このMoonlight shadowは割りとヒットしたはず。
Mike Oldfield -- Moonlight Shadow
好きだったのは、To Franceという曲でした。
Mike Oldfield - To France
Talking on water
Sailing a restless sea
]from a memory
A fantasy
The wind carries
Into white water
Fare from the islands
Dont you know youre
Never going to get to france
Mary queen of chance will they find you
Never going to get to france
Could a new romance ever bind you
Walking on foreign ground
Like a shadow
Roaming in far off
Over your shoulder
Stories unfold youre
Searching for sanctuary
You know youre
Never going to get to france
Mary queen of chance will they find you
Never going to get to france
Could a new romance ever bind you
I see a picture
By the lamps flicker
Isnt it strange
How dreams fade and shimmer
Never going to get to france
Mary queen of chance will they find you
Never going to get to france
Could a new romance ever bind you
I see a picture
By the lamps flicker
Isnt it strange
How dreams fade and shimmer
Never going to get to france
Mary queen of chance will they find you
Never going to get to france
Could a new romance ever bind you
Never going to get to france